Happy Diodon New Year with 0.7.0

The new year has just started. And there is so much ahead what can be implemented for Diodon. Might it be a better GNOME3 integration or a thought about how Zeitgeist might be helpful.

There are also a bunch of ideas for different plugins. And I hope Diodon will finally get its own icon. (when you are a designer and would be willing to help us out here, please contact us).

We will see what of these things can be accomplished this year. However what I can assure you is that Diodon 0.7.0 will be released today.

It introduces a new key combination so the diodon history menu can be accessed just with one hand on the keyboard. You can read more about it here. Furthermore does this Diodon version also work together with Java applications. This has been a naughty bug and I am sure that quite a few people are happy to see this fixed.

You can install the new version with following commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:diodon-team/stable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install diodon

Happy Diodon new year ;).

5 thoughts on “Happy Diodon New Year with 0.7.0

  1. Really good work! I am usually using Clipper for which you can use a keyboard shortcut to show the «objects list» but it does not paste it directly. You still have to type CTRL+V to finally paste the selected text.

    Diodon pastes it right after you choose it, which is a good improvement.

    I wonder if it would be possible to have the list of text included in the contextual menu (right click of the mouse)?That would still be better.

    Thanks for this!!

  2. Thanks for your comment.

    I am not sure where you exactly would want to have the list of clipboard items added. Do you mean e.g. when you right click in gedit that there will be a sublist of items to be pasted below the paste item?

  3. Exactly. Well, either a sublist or a list directly into the contextual menu itself.

    Something like this:

    A simple Paste («Coller» in the mock up) would paste the first item or you could right click and choose from the list to paste another item.

    Of course it is only a wish but I think it would become a great tool for people, like coders, who use a series of text or code snippets repetitively.

  4. Thanks for the mockups. Well as far as I know exending a context menu of any application is not possilble. But of course a Plugin for Gedit can be written which accesses the Diodon history and adds it to the menu.

    There would be a Diodon service such a DBus needed which can be accesses from the gedit plugin. Unfortuantetly such does not exist yet however will be needed e.g. also for a better gnome shell integration <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/diodon/+spec/better-gnome3-integration>

    I will add this feature request to the Diodon wishlist. So it can be accomplished when all the needed bits are in place.

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