I am glad to announce that another Diodon version has been released today with mainly changes underneath the surface such as improving API for plugin developers but also fixing some annoying bugs.
Here in detail what has changed:
- Fixed issue which could cause Diodon not starting when upgrading to a newer version (#1347181)
- Fixed issue that under certain desktop environments Diodon was not always added as startup application (#1348989)
- Improved plugin API (#1323947, #1309893, #1324309)
- Cleaning up dependencies for easier integration into other distributions (#1348994, #1310360)
- Updated translations
You can either download the new Diodon as a tarball or if you use Ubuntu or an Ubuntu based distribution use the stable ppa by running following commands:
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:diodon-team/stable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install diodon
# and for all Unity users there is also a scope
sudo apt-get install unity-scope-diodon
Thanks to everyone involved who made this release happen providing translations, reporting bugs, working on packaging, contributing source code or just simply using and advocating Diodon. Hope to see many more releases ahead.