Developer focused Diodon Release 1.8.0

The new Diodon release 1.8.0 is out the door – a special release focusing on developers.

Due to removing Vala specific libgee (Thanks to RedHatter) it is now possible to more easily write plugins/services in gjs and python. Look for example at the work happing on the Gnome Diodon Indicator.

This release now also supports new Vala version 0.40 so it can be more easily packaged.

What might interest you most though is that we have moved our code base to GitHub. We hope this helps you to more easily contribute to Diodon by opening pull requests.
Issues are still on Launchpad where you may have a look where you could contribute to. Or if you wanna write a plugin there is a Blueprint with lots of ideas.

To get started beside installing newest version from git you can either download new release as tarball or install it through the ppa with the following commands:

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:diodon-team/stable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install diodon
# and for all Unity users there is also a scope
sudo apt-get install unity-scope-diodon

Looking forward to many more contributions to Diodon ;).

Initial Wayland support with Diodon 1.7.0

Beside other minor changes Diodon release 1.7.0 adds initial Wayland support. In comparison to X Wayland introduces several security measures. One of them seems that only application with focus are allowed to access clipboard. As you could imagine this causes issues with clipboard managers.

To workaround this Diodon 1.7.0 forces itself to run on a X11 backend – meaning on Wayland it will run in backwards compatibility mode (see XWayland for more information).

This fixes issues of previous Diodon versions not running at all on Wayland. Some limitations remain though like:

  • Instant paste not working on native Wayland apps
  • Not be able to blacklist native Wayland apps

You can either download new release as tarball or install it through the ppa with the following commands:

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:diodon-team/stable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install diodon
# and for all Unity users there is also a scope
sudo apt-get install unity-scope-diodon

Finally, this release should get you up and running with Diodon on Wayland. There might still be other issues – if you find any please report them here.

Polishing Diodon and moving to git

Yes, Diodon is still alive and swimming through the oceans of clipboards. I have released a new version 1.6.0 today with several neat changes. I only want to highlight a few but you can find a full list here.

vi like scrolling in clipboard menu

One neat feature is the vi like scrolling in the clipboard menu. Usually when you open the clipboard menu with Ctrl+Alt+V you had to use the arrow keys up and down to browse through the list. Those arrow keys are usually far away on the keyboard and are therefore not so convenient to use. Hence the Diodon release 1.6.0 introduces additional scrolling with the letter j and k. No more moving around with your hand uncontrollably. Nice right?

Warning when in privacy mode

As described in previous blog post Diodon respects the privacy setting of the desktop environment. Even though this is a neat feature it has been confusing at times as it was not clear why clipboard items have not been added to history. Hence with this new release a warning will be shown at beginning of clipboard menu when privacy mode prevents clipboard items to be added to history. Hope this will clear up the mystery this feature had in the past.

You can either download new release as tarball or install it through the ppa with the following commands:

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:diodon-team/stable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install diodon
# and for all Unity users there is also a scope
sudo apt-get install unity-scope-diodon

Moving to git and how to contribute

As Launchpad now also allows hosting of Git repositories I’ve moved the Diodon source code to git. So if you want to contribute you simply:

git clone

and have a look at known bugs, assign bug to you and start coding. Once you are done with your changes create a patch with the following:

git format-patch master --stdout > new-patch.patch

and attach it to the respective bug report. I hope this move will make it easier to contribute. Thanks for your contributions in advance.

Small bug fix release Diodon 1.5.0

After a while of silence there is now a new Diodon version 1.5.0 available. It brings some small fixes and is also available for Ubuntu 16.04 in the stable ppa.

Following has been fixed:

  • #1502486 Diodon status bar icon cropped in gnome-flashback session
  • #1525071 Add link how to configure hotkey to preferences
  • #1562563 desktop file validation fails
  • #1541071 Expose ZeitgeistClipboardStorage.get_item_by_checksum

As always can you either download it as tarball or install it through the ppa with the following commands:

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:diodon-team/stable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install diodon
# and for all Unity users there is also a scope
sudo apt-get install unity-scope-diodon

Last but not least – happy pasting and let me know if you have any feedback.