Tag Archives: clevercleaner

New but old and what changes for our CleverCleaner users

I have finally made it to migrate from my old webhosting provider to a new one. Nothing really to bother you about it but I am actually quite excited about my new webhosting and the many possibilities it gives me – so if you are looking for a new webhoster yourself you might want to have a look here .

While I was in the migration process have I changed a couple of thing which might be noteworthy. For all readers of “The Esite Code Log”-Blog, nothing has really changed for you though, beside a new look and feel. The blog and its philosophy remains the same as before. You can read more about it here.

More has changed for our CleverCleaner users though. Up to this point I maintained a single blog only for the CleverCleaner project. For simplicity and maintenance reasons have I decided though to consolidate the CleverCleaner blog with The Esite Code Log. So CleverCleaner is now treated as any other open source project I am involved in such as Diodon. This means there will be no more German translation of my blog posts for CleverCleaner (of course the German translation of the CleverCleaner tool itself remains as before) and all blog posts respectively news concerning CleverCleaner are tagged with clevercleaner on this blog.

So if as before you just want to subscribe to CleverCleaner news per RSS you can use this feed (just as a side node you can also use the same link and replace tag name clevercleaner with whatever tag you want to subscribe to, quite handy…). Beside news for CleverCleaner have I moved all more in depth descriptions and support information to the SourceForge project side mainly its wiki.

As it has been pretty quiet on this blog for a while do I hope that this change will decrease the time I need for maintenance and actually gives me more time to program on the different open source projects and in the end be able to post about it here… 😉

So therefore stay tuned.

After long time of silence: CleverCleaner 2.1.1

CleverCleaner has been around for quite a while. And although there has not been any recent update there are many users using it every now and then. As I have been using Linux since years I have put my focus on developing applications for that platform. Recently though due to change in my job I have been using CleverCleaner more often. A great opportunity, I thought, to follow up on a maintenance release for CleverCleaner fixing some annoying bugs. I will see how often I get around to continue developing CleverCleaner. However this will also depend on what feedback I get from you guys. So if you find any bugs or have any feature request or feedback, please have a look at the support page to see how you can submit your request. Your are also always welcome to submit a translation. The current translations are not perfect either, so fell free to have a look at them and send in your corrections.

Here what has changed in version 2.1.1:

  • Changed Office configuration exception to OPA??.bak to not remove configuration files of new office versions >=2007
  • Fixed negative size of deleted files when large amount of files have been deleted.
  • Added winsxs to the directory exceptions to speed up search process
  • Added French translation

Download the new version.

CleverCleaner 2.1.0 has been released

Bug fixes

  • File exceptions did not work when searching for browser data.
  • Negative size of ticked files when large amount of files found.


  • Show total size of ticked files in mega bytes
  • Show volume names instead of only drive character

New features

  • Added Turkish translation (Thanks to gozilra).
  • Mozilla Firefox 3.x support
  • Google Chrome support
  • Opera 10 support
  • Windows 7 support

Download Details…